123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more

6:16pm 03-30-2024
hi hi kat! just wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences about the web and creating a space for yourself. I'm so glad there is a place like this on the internet and that it's truly accessible for anyone and honestly a joy to explore and create. I've been looking at similar content, but your video has convinced me to really give this a try! I want to escape the noise of today's internet and actually have fun again. great video, hope you are keeping well
11:30am 03-12-2024
Dakota 👻

Personal Site link

Just saw your video! I have been aware of the indieweb for awhile, but your video gave me inspiration to try and de-commoditize my current website into something more personal, and way cooler looking lol

Awesome video, and awesome website
10:37pm 02-27-2024
hiii i know its been over a year since it was posted but i just saw your video and u did a great job on it! i just discovered browsing Neocities as a hobby like 2 days ago and oh my god
5:42am 12-31-2023
i saw your video and i love seeing the indie web get explored and more people finding it. Hope your having a great holiday season and a happy NEW YEARSSSS
3:45pm 12-30-2023

Personal Site link

cool do see someone who has intrests like me ive been doing this for a bit now and i just came across your vid. hopefully web pages gets popular and is the new norm
11:30am 12-25-2023
I like this place
5:35pm 10-23-2023
hi ! i just saw your video about the indie web and thought i should check out your website. i have a huge interest in the old web but unfortunately since i'm currently a senior in college, i don't have much time on my hands to learn HTML and start creating my own site. your site looks wonderful though and i'm so glad to have come across such inspiration !!!
9:36pm 10-20-2023

Personal Site link

Hey I just saw your video and i really liked and it near perfectly summed up why i made my own website, And i really like how your site looks good luck and have a nice day.
12:16am 10-18-2023
love it
6:18pm 09-21-2023
i really enjoyed your video about neocities and your website is so nice too!
6:31pm 08-07-2023

Personal Site link

This website is great! I discovered the IndieWeb yesterday when I took a look at someone's personal website and noticed they were applying POSSE on other services. I'm trying to do the same with my own website, but it's turning out to be difficult. Setting up webmentions in particular is difficult. I know it's not a necessity, but it's still something I want to do.
12:28am 07-05-2023
This is actually pretty nostalgic.. Thanks to your video I found this community! Really looking forward to make my own website and become a member of this really wholesome community.
10:06pm 07-04-2023
Mister Misser
I missed this...
10:48pm 04-28-2023

Personal Site link

I've been very inspired by your vid on the IndieWeb! I'm hoping to make a personal website some time in the future. The tools, the uses, the vibe of sites like this one is exactly what I've been looking for :]
1:18pm 04-10-2023
v pretty tbh i vibe with it
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